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Dynamic ICP Builder

N.Rich creates ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) based on real opportunity data and allows you to focus on the right accounts from the very beginning.

■ No guesswork.
■ No spray-and-pray.
■ No more "our CEO says we need to add unicorns to our ICP".

Try N.Rich and see how to drive up to 6x more revenue within the same timeframe.

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N.Rich Is Trusted By The Best In B2B


Data-Driven, Not Gut Feel-Based

Over 95% of B2B companies still use gut feel to define their ICP – no wonder there are so many epic go-to-market failures.
N.Rich creates ideal customer profiles using the only reliable data source: current and historical opportunity metrics from your own CRM.
Here’s how the N.Rich algorithm will automatically build your ICP.

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Analyze all existing opportunities in your CRM in terms of Sales Velocity - a metric that takes into account three parameters: deal value, win rate, and sales cycle length


Pinpoint accounts that demonstrate the highest Sales Velocity: those that convert faster, with higher probability and greater paychecks


Identify common characteristics of those accounts: company size, industry, location, interests, and more


Build TAL (Target Account List) of in-market accounts that have similar characteristics

Real-Time ICP

“Not sure, but I think our ICP was defined sometime early last year” – here’s a prescription to disaster for a growing business. ICP must be dynamic and based on actual data - that’s why the N.Rich algorithm automatically updates your ICP on a weekly basis.

This ensures your sales and marketing teams are always on the pulse of what’s actually generating the revenue

N.Rich ICP analytics makes it easy to get buy-in - just show how ICP vs Non-ICP accounts compare in terms of sales performance in real-time, using your own opportunity data. That’s hard to question with a gut feeling.

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Focus Your Sales And Marketing On Best-Fit Companies

Do your sales and marketing have different priorities and visions on the best audience to sell to? This isn’t only about personal relationships. This makes your entire revenue generation strategy broken. Marketing supplies “bad” leads, sales waste time on cold outreach, and the reporting comes down to blaming the other department that didn’t do their part of the work.

CRM-based ICP is the best way to align both teams and make sure that your resources are spent only on accounts that are similar to your most valuable buyers.

  • Every target account is warmed up by the right marketing message
  • Sales reach out to people that are already aware of your product or solution
  • The response rate and the win rate increase dramatically

Stop spreading thin - focus only on the accounts with the highest probability to buy.


N.Rich Integrates With Your Favorite Tools

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