Creating Retargeting Segments in N.Rich

How to create website visitors retargeting segments.

Supercharge your ABM program by creating retargeting segments based on a wide scope of events, including website visits and ABM Ads engagements.

The retargeting segment feature in N.Rich enables you to create user segments based on website visit events, campaign engagement events, event attributes and occurrences. Event attributes refers to all the details tagged to an event that helps us understand its context. For example the website visit URL.

Retargeting Segment Feature in N.Rich

The table below shows all the possible events, attributes and conditions at your disposal to create powerful retargeting segments.

Rule (Event Attribute)

Event Type



Supported Values


Website visit

Rule based on the website visit date

Is exact date

Is within dates

Is before exact date

Is after exact date
Is before

Visit dates

Visit URL

Website visit

Rule based on the website URL of the visit

Contains exactly

Doesn’t contain exactly

Is known (select only)

Is unknown (select only)

Website URL Path


Account Source

Rule based on segment origin that can be combined with other rules

Is any of

Is none of
Is known
Is unknown 

Single segment selection.

Article Read Count

Campaign Engagement

Rule based on article ad read occurrences (50% scroll) from a specific campaign

Is equal

Is not equal

Is greater than

Is less than

Is between

Is known 

Is unknown

Number of article read events

Article Completed Count

Campaign Engagement

Rule based on completed article ad read occurrences (100% scroll) from a specific campaign

Is equal

Is not equal

Is greater than

Is less than

Is between

Is known 

Is unknown

Number of article read events with 100% scroll rate.

Clicked Count

Campaign Engagement

Rule based on ad click occurrences from a specific campaign

Is equal

Is not equal

Is greater than

Is less than

Is between

Is known 

Is unknown

Number of ad clicks within a specific campaign.

Video View 20s

Campaign Engagement

Rule based on view view occurrences that are at least 20s from a specific campaign

Is equal

Is not equal

Is greater than

Is less than

Is between

Is known 

Is unknown

Number of Video view events with more than 20 seconds view time.

Total Video View Time

Campaign Engagement

Rule based on user total time consumption of videos from a specific campaign

Is equal

Is not equal

Is greater than

Is less than

Is between

Is known 

Is unknown

Total view time in seconds

Common Use Cases

N.Rich customers use this feature to create retargeting segments based on a combination of powerful rules that will result in a carefully crafted audience that shows contextual interest in value pages, specific campaigns and campaign events. This is valuable when promoting specific products/solutions and using custom rules to define interest and engagements.

Using website visit events:
You should have the N.Rich tag installed and active in order to use website visit events.
Using campaign events:
You should have N.Rich campaigns with engagement data in order to use campaign events.

Getting Started

To create retargeting segments, navigate to Segments, click on the Create Segment button and select “Retargeting” from the dropdown menu. Name your retargeting segment and create your rules for populating the retargeting segments.


Since this feature creates visitor-based retargeting segments that may or may not be associated with accounts, campaigns targeting these segments will result in lower than usual account identification rates (depending on how ICP heavy your website traffic is). This will translate into less clicks attributed to accounts within analytics dashboards.

Tips & Best Practices:

Rules, Rule Groups and AND/OR Operators:

You can combine simple rules (conditions) with the logical operators AND or OR to form complex rules. Rules used as conditions for populating a retargeting segment can be grouped together with the AND operator into a Rule Group.

Rule Groups can be added to a set of primary rules to further narrow down the segment population by adding additional rules using either the AND or OR conditions. 

For example, the following screenshot shows a set of primary rules (Rule Group 1) that contain the rules to populate a segment with visitors having visited the website in the last 3 months and who are also part of an existing segment (Rule Group 2).

Retargeting Segments Rules and Groups in N.Rich